Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Seize The Internet for Purple Day!

It's rapidly approaching my new bedtime of 10:15pm, and I'm chastising myself for not writing earlier, but I've spent the last couple hours downloading apps onto my new iPhone! I've finally given into peer pressure and become one of the masses. I'm okay with that, though, especially since it's shaping up to be a great phone and is happily accommodating all of my requests for social media apps. Why must I have these, you ask? Because Purple Day is coming up! Purple Day is March 26th - Monday - and is a whole day set aside to raise awareness about epilepsy! Pretty neat, huh?

This year my goal is to Seize the Internet, but, like most endeavors, it's not only bigger with help, it's more fun. In admiration of what purple stands for, take pictures all week of anything purple you see and email to me here or tweet it to me, @lvngnbrainstorm, so I can post it on my Seize The Internet wall on Pinterest! When I say anything purple, I mean EVERYTHING! I want to see pictures of purple gum on the sidewalk, purple tongues from Now And Laters, whatever you can find!

Let's Seize the blogosphere, seize the tweetosphere, seize the ... Facebook-o-sphere?? Absolutely! Seize The Internet with me and show the world what we can do when we work together to spread epilepsy awareness!

ps- don't forget to use the hashtag #SeizeTheInternet!

Be sure to check out Living Well With Epilepsy, My Life As Mandy... With Epilepsy, Kat's Cafe and your local Epilepsy Foundation chapter for more ideas on how to celebrate Purple Day!

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