Thursday, March 22, 2012

Seize The Tweetosphere!

Tweets: one hundred and forty characters to tell the world what you're thinking. It gives a numerical value to, "So much to say and so little time". Well, technically it's space, not time, but if I think hard enough, I could probably figure something out with a space-time continuum. I really don't actually know what that means, though, which could cause a problem...

Anyway, for Purple Day, we're Seizing The Internet!! Tonight we start seizing the tweetosphere. A hundred and forty character limit makes getting across a point tricky. To help, I've put together some tweet-sized sound bites for you here. Don't forget to use the hashtag #SeizeTheInternet and feel free to spread the love by tagging your other favorite epilepsy bloggers and tweeters :) Check out Living Well With Epilepsy's Directory for more of us!

(Stats courtesy of Talk About

50 MILLION people around the world live with #epilepsy. #SeizeTheInternet!

If someone is having a #seizure, DO NOT restrain them! #SeizeTheInternet!

Call 911 if it's someone's first #seizure or if it lasts more than 5 minutes - an ambulance is expensive #SeizeTheInternet!

#Epilepsy is NOT contagious! Who came up with that anyway? #SeizeTheInternet!

Nearly 3 million people in the US have #epilepsy. #SeizeTheInternet!

ONE-THIRD of people with #epilepsy live with uncontrollable seizures because no available treatment works for them. #SeizeTheInternet!

BETWEEN 4 AND 10 OUT OF 1,000 people on earth live with active seizures at any one time. #Epilepsy #SeizeTheInternet!

A #seizure is a jolt of electricity through the brain, kind of like a bolt of lightening. #epilepsy #SeizeTheInternet!

For 6 OUT OF 10 people living with #epilepsy, the cause of their #seizures is unknown. #SeizeTheInternet!

50,000 people die from #epilepsy-related causes in the United States every year. #SeizeTheInternet! @SUDEPAware

If someone is having a #seizure, DON'T put anything in their mouth! It's not possible to swallow your tongue. I promise. #SeizeTheInternet!

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