Monday, October 3, 2011

Help Out the Kids!

The Epilepsy Foundation of Colorado has entered the Albertson's Community Partners Challenge to win a $7,500 grant for their Jason Fleishman Summer Camp. The money will go toward scholarships for kids with epilepsy who can't afford to go. This past summer, I went up to the YMCA at Estes Park for a week to help out at camp. It was amazing. Should I ever get a job, I'd like to save up vacation days to go again. The kids have all different kinds of seizures, varying in severity and frequency, and range from very high functioning to needing a little help. All of them are ages 10-17 and are brave, strong people who deal every day with more than kids should. A lot of them have trouble fitting in at school, with their friends, with a lot of people. But not at camp. I sat with them making friendship bracelets, colorful knots of embroidery thread taped to our knees, and listened to them talk. Over and over, even from the older boys - who are not generally known for sharing feelings - that the Jason Fleishman Camp is the only place where they feel completely comfortable and accepted. The thing that makes them different is suddenly the thing that makes them fit in.

So, from October 1st through 15th, you can help these kids by going to and voting. All you need to do it enter your email address, which they will not sell, so you won't get any spam. Enter in EFCO's ID# 0015, and hit Vote. You can vote up to five times a day, but even one helps.

Thank you so, so much.

You can read more about the Jason Fleishman Camp here.

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